- comedones
- угри
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian perfumery & beauty care dictionary. 2014.
Comedones — The plural of comedo, the primary sign of acne, consisting of a dilated (widened) hair follicle filled with keratin squamae (skin debris), bacteria, and sebum (oil). Comedones may be closed or open. A closed comedo has an obstructed opening to… … Medical dictionary
Comedones — Comedo Com e*do, n.; pl. {Comedones}. [L., a glutton. See {Comestible}.] (Med.) A small nodule or cystic tumor, common on the nose, etc., which on pressure allows the escape of a yellow wormlike mass of retained oily secretion, with a black head… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
comedones — com·e·do || kÉ’mÉ™dəʊ n. blackhead, black topped pimple (on the surface of the skin) … English contemporary dictionary
Комедон (Comedo, Множ. Comedones) — см. Угорь черный. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
elastosis nodular con quistes y comedones — Ver enfermedad de Favre Racouchot … Diccionario de oftalmología
comedone — {{hw}}{{comedone}}{{/hw}}s. m. Rilievo puntiforme nerastro che si forma sulla cute spec. del viso per l ostruzione dell orifizio di una ghiandola sebacea … Enciclopedia di italiano
Acné — Clasificación y recursos externos CIE 10 L70.0 CIE 9 706.1 MedlinePlus … Wikipedia Español
Acne vulgaris — This article is about a skin disease commonly found during adolescence. For other acneform skin diseases, see Acne (disambiguation). Acne vulgaris Classification and external resources … Wikipedia
acne — acned, adj. /ak nee/, n. Pathol. an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, esp. on the face, back, and chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring. Also called acne… … Universalium
Blackhead — This article is about the skin condition. For other uses, see Blackhead (disambiguation). Blackhead Classification and external resources Blackheads on a nose. ICD 9 … Wikipedia
Comedo extraction — is a widely used method of treatment for acne vulgaris.[1] A dermatologist or cosmetologist may extract blackheads (open comedones) using gentle pressure around the pore opening, and whiteheads (closed comedones) by incision with a large needle… … Wikipedia